Monday, June 14, 2010

The Power of Focus in 25 tweets

By Liliana E. González


This is a wonderful book by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and Les Hewitt. It is pack with great lessons and wisdom. To honor the book and their authors I have created 25 tweets (#edutweets) taken directly from the book:

Your habits will determine your future.

Successful people have successful habits.

You can turn negative consecuences into positive rewards, simply by changing your habits now.

After twenty one to thirty experiences with a new habit, it´s harder not to do it than to do it.

When you constantly strive to improve, you build character.

You must invest most of your time every week doing what you do best, and let others do what they do best.

Focus in your priorities. Use the 4-D formula: Dump it, Delegate it, Defer it or Do it.

Consciously stop yourself when you start doing things that are not in your best interest.

A goal is the ongoing pursuit of a worthy objective until accomplished.

Actions speak louder than words.

Creating a successful future takes energy, effort and concentrate thinking.

Remember, if you want a different result, do something different.

Another feature of a well-balanced day is taking time to expand your knowledge.

Learning from a professional will accelerate your progress.

To maximize your progress take regular breaks to re-energize.

Awareness is always the first step to progress.

Changing your behavior is the only way you will get a different result.

Brilliant people do brilliant work. They do it on time & consistently. They make you feel good in the process & charge a fair price.

When you continually clean up your unfinished business, life becomes simple and uncluttered.

You will never achieve big results in your life without consistent and persistent action.

Everything in life is a choice. Absolutely everything.

Choosing to say "No" is often the best strategy to keep your life well-balanced and in control.

When you consistently do what you say you will do, the names attached to you are reliable and trustworthy.

Keep going - success is often just around the corner. For those who won´t quit.

Life is short, focus from this day forward on making a difference.

The Power of Focus: What the Worlds Greatest Achievers Know about The Secret of Financial Freedom and Success

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